Stakeholder Involvement
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About the process

The Technical Secretariat (TS) is the governing body that is developing the PEF Category Rules (PEFCR), a set of specific rules that needs to be defined for the respective product category. It will meet periodically to make technical decisions, discuss the progress made, and organise hotel industry testing of the draft PEFCR. The TS is a multi-stakeholder working group, representing at least 51% of the EU hotel market. 

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Technical Secretariat
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Chair of the Technical-Secretariat
Studio Fieschi Logo
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Members of the Technical Secretariat
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Observer Role
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Technical Experts
maki Consulting Logo
Studio Fieschi Logo
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Coordination and moderation of the Technical Secretariat
adelphi Logo
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Timeline and opportunities for engagement

PEF Category Rules (PEFCR) will be developed in the time period from 2024 to 2026. After being adopted by the Commission, they can be applied by the hotel accommodation sector in form of PEF studies. Within the development process, there are two public consultations. You can also reach out to us directly for any further questions.


September 2023: The project team is selected by the European Commission


February 2024: Kick-Off of the Technical Secretariat


January 2025 (planned): First public consultation


January 2026 (planned): Second public consultation


August 2026: The European Commission approves the finalisation of the PEFCR*


*The Technical Secretariat develops the rules. The European Commission approves the finalisation of the PEFCR.


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About the project

The project is mandated by the European Commission and implemented jointly by a consortium coordinated by adelphi together with Studio Fieschi & soci and maki Consulting as PEFCR experts and technical leads. HOTREC – the umbrella Association of Hotels, Restaurants, Pubs and Cafes and similar establishments in Europe – co-chairs the TS. 

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